Child support is included in your Marital Settlement Agreement or Judgment of Paternity. Child support shall include payment amount and frequency, the method of payment, annual exchange of financial information, including taxes, W-2s, 1099s, etc., and an explanation why the child support guidelines are not met, if that is applicable. If any payments are made in lieu of child support, those payments should be fully identified. Variable costs and basic support costs should also be addressed in a Marital Settlement Agreement or Judgment of Paternity. Variable costs are the reasonable costs above basic support costs incurred on behalf of a child, including, but not limited to, the cost of child care, tuition, special needs and other activities that involve substantial costs. Basic support costs are food, shelter, clothing, transportation, personal care and incidental recreational costs. Both variable costs and basic support costs are required if parties share placement. Parties can agree on the limit of costs, the need for receipts, the need for reimbursement, etc. The more specific the child support agreement, the less reason to involve the court at a later date. An experienced child support attorney can assist you in resolving child support calculation and issues.
Untangling Finances: Dividing Debt in a Wisconsin Divorce
As you're reading this, there is more than likely a married couple in Milwaukee who just put down a large mortgage on their new family home. Another in Green Bay is in the throes of divorce with a...