Blog Posts
Untangling Finances: Dividing Debt in a Wisconsin Divorce
As you're reading this, there is more than likely a married couple in Milwaukee who just put down a large mortgage on their new family home. Another...
Understanding Alimony in Wisconsin: A Guide to Spousal Support
Going through a divorce is difficult, no matter how long it's been coming. The emotional toll is hard enough without having to worry about the...
Navigating Military Divorce in Wisconsin: A Guide for Service Members and Their Spouses
To the brave men and women who serve our country: We see your sacrifice. We understand your dedication. And we know that sometimes life throws...
Moving On, Moving Away: Relocation and Child Custody in Wisconsin
Kids often get caught in the middle of divorce like the rope in a tug of war. That's just the hard truth we see daily as family law attorneys. In...
Infidelity and Divorce in Wisconsin: Understanding the Impact of Adultery
It feels like a knife to the heart when you discover your spouse has been unfaithful. The pain cuts deep. And unfortunately for many Wisconsin...
Hit by a Car in Wisconsin? Know Your Rights as a Pedestrian!
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation reports that one pedestrian is injured or killed every 6.9 hours. That's not to say all Wisconsin drivers...
Defective Products in Wisconsin? Holding Manufacturers Responsible
The American Dream includes the freedom to buy amazing products that make our lives better. But sometimes, that dream turns into a nightmare. Just...
Building Your Family: A Guide to Step-Parent Adoption in Wisconsin
The modern world has given rise to the modern family. More and more, we're seeing reconstructed families. That is, families where parents may have...
The Process of Marriage Annulment in Wisconsin
Annulling a marriage can have a profound and lasting impact on both parties involved––especially an emotional impact. For many, the annulment...
Protecting Your Business Assets During Divorce in Wisconsin
Divorce brings a whirlwind of emotions, and if you're a business owner, the stakes are even higher. The potential impact on your business could be...
Bicycle Accident Laws in Wisconsin and How They Affect You
Bicycle accidents are all too common, and when they happen to you, extensive financial losses from physical and emotional damage are common. Biking...
The Process of Adopting a Child In Wisconsin: A Helpful Guide
Adopting a child is a significant and life-changing decision that can bring immense joy and fulfillment to families in Wisconsin. Understanding the...
How to Calculate Pain and Suffering Damages in Wisconsin
Placing a financial value on pain and suffering damages is not simplistic. Non-economic damages like this are very much a part of your personal...
The Impact of Pre-existing Conditions on Personal Injury Claims
Personal injury claims are complex for multiple reasons. Typically, insurance companies want to find ways to reduce the amount of damages you...
Collaborative Divorce in Wisconsin: An Alternative to Court Battles
Traditional divorce proceedings are emotionally draining. You just want it over. You want to start a new future. Yet, from the emotions and the...
The Consequences of Hiding Assets During a Wisconsin Divorce
Divorce is a terrifying and frustrating process, one that involves taking numerous steps to protect your future. While you know how hard you worked...
How to Modify Child Support Orders in Wisconsin
Adjusting child support orders is a reality many parents face as life circumstances evolve. Whether you've experienced a job loss, a significant...
The Role of Evidence in Proving Your Personal Injury Case
In Wisconsin, personal injury law enables those who have been harmed or injured as a result of negligence or intentional actions of another party to...
The Importance of Medical Documentation in Personal Injury Claims
When pursuing a personal injury claim, comprehensive medical records play a critical role in proving the extent of injuries sustained and the...
Coping with the Emotional Aspects of Divorce
Divorce is an extremely painful experience. Whatever the reason for parting ways with your spouse and whether you want the divorce or not, this...
Child Custody in Wisconsin: Determining the Best Interests of the Child
Child custody refers to the legal and physical responsibilities and rights associated with raising a child. The state’s laws prioritize the best...
Wisconsin’s Approach to Same-Sex Divorce and Family Law Issues
The history of same-sex marriage in the United States is a complex and evolving story––one which has witnessed considerable growth since the...
Navigating the Complexities of Wisconsin’s Comparative Negligence Law
Let's say you're walking down the sidewalk on a winter day when you slip on a patch of ice that the property owner failed to clear. Or perhaps...
Understanding Wisconsin Statute of Limitations for Personal Injury Claims
You're walking down the baking aisle at the grocery store, comparing prices on chocolate chips, when you hear a loud crash behind you. You turn to...
How Wisconsin Law Handles Child Support Obligations
As parents going through a divorce, the main priority should be easing the transition for children as much as possible. At Vanden Heuvel &...
Understanding Wisconsin’s Grounds for Divorce
Going through a divorce is difficult, even when the marriage has been over for a long time. While life on the other side can feel like a fresh...
Division of Property in Wisconsin Divorces: Equitable Distribution Explained
Marriage can be a beautiful thing, filled with love, companionship, and shared experiences. At one point, you and your spouse likely entered the...
The Importance of Establishing Paternity in Wisconsin
Fatherhood comes in all shapes and sizes in today's modern families. It could come from a stepdad who's been there since day one. Or a sperm donor...
Understanding Restraining Orders: A Guide for Victims of Domestic Violence
Domestic violence remains a stark reality, impacting lives with alarming frequency. According to the Wisconsin Domestic Violence Homicide Report, in...
Top Questions to Ask Your Family Law Attorney
When facing family legal matters, choosing the right family law attorney is a pivotal decision that can influence the direction and outcome of your...